Rank One’s industry-leading facial recognition matching algorithm achieved the highest overall accuracy at the Department of Homeland Security’s second annual Biometric Technology Rally. The 2019 DHS Rally benchmarked automated airport security solutions by testing the performance of 15 matching algorithms developed by leading biometrics companies on 14 different acquisition systems built by various systems integrators. The acquisition systems seek to collect identifiable imagery in a customer-friendly manner, and, in turn, the matching algorithms authenticate air travel passengers or people moving through high-traffic entry environments like stadiums and concert venues.

Rank One’s algorithm achieved a perfect 100% accuracy by correctly identifying all subjects presented to the “Teton” acquisition system. Across all acquisition systems (including the lower-performing systems), Rank One’s algorithm successfully detected and enrolled the passenger’s face on 99% of all images. Rank One further delivered the highest individual algorithm accuracy on 6 of the 10 acquisition systems using facial imagery and scored within 1% of the leader on 3 additional acquisition systems.

The vendor names were anonymized in the DHS report, but Rank One was listed as “WABASH”, which corresponds to our previous ROC SDK v1.18. Since this time ROC SDK v1.19 has been released, which delivers further accuracy improvements.

Rank One’s performance demonstrates that Rank One is a clear global leader in real-time face recognition screening. Whether the use case is security for airports, borders, critical infrastructure, or schools, or visitor management and watch-listing systems, the ROC SDK enables integrators to develop the highest accuracy face recognition screening systems in an easy to use, easy to do business with format. Further to this technical excellence, Rank One’s team in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A is known for a seamless experience in software licensing and technical support.

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